Wednesday, November 15, 2006


We had yet another "Sexual Harassment Training" presentation/lecture/meeting this morning. They inflict these on us every few months, and it's always the same old stuff: an amateurish powerpoint presentation, coupled with a repetitive,
mind-numbing lecture where the speaker awkwardly attempts to inject humor here and there. Painful.

I didn't even learn any new techniques for harassing people! It was a total bust.


Anonymous said...

Oh, man, we had the same thing at Dartmouth, well sorta. They spent, like 2 or 3 hours telling us in every different way possible not to have sex with undergraduates for whose classes you are the teaching assistant. In how many ways can you say the same thing? Thou shalt not fornicate with undergraduates! Oy.

Sharon Spotbottom said...

How was the powerpont presentation about the giant poo lurking in the men's loo?

Dominic said...

Practice. Practice. Practice. And one day you'll get the hang of sexual harassment.

Ryan Khatam said...

another great drawing. human anatomy seems to be your niche